Marina Đorđević-Nikić, Lidija Moskovljević
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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Elite female rhythmic gymnasts represent a selected group of girls exposed to high intensity training in the pre-adolescent period. Constitutive body height of these female athletes is achieved through compensatory "catch up" of growth through which a pattern of longer growth period emerges. At the same time, present puberty delay provides optimal skeletal maturation. Low body fat content is in correlation with late appearance of menarche. On the basis of all these variances there is a primary importance of energy defi ciency which directly (reduction of accessibility of circulating energy substrate) or indirectly (effects on growth, bone maturation and body fat accumulation) leads to dysfunction of reproductive hypothalamus. Aiming to preserve normal growth and development, as well as heath of female rhythmic gymnasts and similar sports, it is necessary to monitor them in short-time intervals during pre-pubertal and pubertal age, estimating training volume and diet at the same time.

Dejan Suzović, Aleksandar Nedeljković
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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The purpose of this survey was to assess the reliability of the short pulse contraction (KPK) test for the evaluation of neuromuscular characteristics, as well as to define the possibility of generalization of the variables obtained from short pulse contractions [maximal force (MS), rate of force development (BRS) and rate of force reduction (BSS)] to different muscle groups. The survey covered the sample of 48 students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 12 in the fi rst and 36 in the second experiment. KPK were carried out for the intensities of 30%, 50% and 70% of the Fmax. The survey was carried out through the two experiments. In the first experiment the task was to determine the degree of connection between the MS, BRS and BSS results obtained from KPK with maximal force (Fmax) and maximal rate of force development (BRSmax) obtained from standard force tests. Also, the task was to determine the degree of reliability of the results from the first measurement and those of the measurement after two days and after six weeks. The obtained results showed high reliability of the majority of variables within the measurement, as well as with the measurements after two days and after six weeks from the first measurement. Remarkably high coefficients of intra-correlation were obtained within one testing (ICC > 0.90) as well as within the measurements carried out on different days (0.80 – 0.92). The characteristics of BRS and BSS functions in relation to the MS, calculated according to the data obtained from the KPK, show the linear character of the function which goes through the points that describe the relation between the generated force and the BRS and BSS. The obtained results show high reliability and a reasonable degree of generalization in relation to different muscle groups. Considering that the generalization of the new test was not adequately shown, the results suggest further evaluation and KPK test development.

Dragiša Mladenović, Duško Ilić, Željko Rajković, Vladimir Mrdaković
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education; OS "Jovan Sterija Popovic" Belgrade, Serbia.

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The research included 44 students of final fourth year from the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Belgrade, without previous rowing experience, (25±2 years), (81±8 kg) and (184±7 cm). Students were practising rowing three times a week during 10 weeks period in a school rowboat with 12 seats on a smooth water. Students were not instructed how to distribute the force nor what stroke lenght to apply during the testing, Basic data were registered on a rowing ergometer Concept II. The instrument fi trorower "Weba Sport" was used in measuring stroke variables and the programme "Software Expert 1.2" was applied for processing the data. Thirteen biomechanical stroke variables were observed. The test consisted of two consecutive measurements at assigned speeds indirectly enforced by the passing times on 500m as follows: 2min/500m and 1min 40sec/500m for duration of 30 seconds. Significant changes were found in all measured variables. The results prooved that rowing speed is significant factor in teaching and training of rowing tehniques.At fi rst rowing begginers should be given the task of assigned speed and not the frequency of stroke. It is also better to assign them higher levels of assigned speed and not the frequency. Training course should start at assigning them lower speed and later incease the assigned speed. The greatest progress in learning absolute value of stroke variables were registered in power and force variables but the variation coefficients of these variables were significantly reduced. However the results show that the ratio of active and passive stroke phase remained unsattissfactory which means that learning rhythm requires longer period of time.

Milivoje Karalejić, Saša Jakovljević, Radivoj Mandić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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The aim of this study was to explore the relations i.e. connection between basketball skills and certain cognitive abilities of individual junior players. The research was conducted on a sample of 80 players, the best juniors of Serbia, aged 17 to 18 years. Basketball skills were assessed with 15 tests, which covered most basketball activities: shooting, passing, dribbling, playing without a ball in attack and defense play. Cognitive abilities of junior basketball players were evaluated with fi ve tests: Domino D48 test (test of general intelligence), and four test of cognitive abilities perceptive factor abilities: S1,P1, F1 and F2. Canonical analysis was applied. The canonical analysis results indicate that the two areas are related (canonical correlation coeffi cient R =. 727 i.e. determination coeffi cient R2 = .529), but only the first factor is significant and it carries 53% of the explained variance. The cognitive abilities variables that have the largest projection on the first factor and that contribute most to relation between these two areas are perceptual identification (PF1), perceptual analysis and logical conclusion (PF2) and visual spatialization (PS1), while the variables of basketball skills are: direction change in dribbling (PSD), throwing the ball with two hands technique from chest (BL2RG), drive to the basket for 30 s (PNK30), dynamic shooting for 30 s DS30, reverse movement for 30 s (PK30), dribbling slalom (SD) and precision shooting (PULK).

Aleksandar Janković, Bojan Leontijević
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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According to the rules of the soccer game, a team consists of 11 players on the field (one of whom is the goalkeeper) who, according to their activities and position on the field are defined as defensive, midfielders, and strikers. Additionally, in relation to the playing position and the tasks deriving from these positions, the players of a team can be classified as midfielders, wings, defensive and offensive players. Analysis of application of certain soccer technical elements, depending on the team position of the players is the base of planning and operationalization of the training methodology and training of every professional soccer team. The research results were obtained from a group sample of subjects and the data were collected about each player's ball activities. Thus, they were divided into 5 sub-samples: central defensive (CD), defensive wing (BD), defensive midfielder (DM), offensive midfielder (OM) and strikers (N). The observation protocol was used for each game separately, and each player individually. A total of 5 variables were observed: kicking the ball, receiving the ball, dribbling, taking away the ball and carrying the ball. Based on the obtained results it is concluded that most kicking and ball receiving were deployed by defensive midfielders while taking away the ball, as technical element was mostly used by defensive players. The largest number of dribbling were performed by offensive midfielders who are given the responsibility and creativity in the attack phase because by longer ball control by carrying and dribbling they create a surplus of players on a particular part of the field. Offensive midfielders and strikers much less participate in the activities of their team.

Milinko Dabović, Slobodanka Dobrijević, Krasomenko Miletić, Dragoljub Višnjić, Vladimir Miletić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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The research was carried with a purpose investigate the opinions of students and their assessment of the significance and organization of practical classes of camping in the first and second session in order determine possible deficiencies. Sixty-eight male and female students of physical education, after practical classes of camping in their session, fulfilled a questionnaire designed to examine their views on the most important aspects of that instruction. The questionnaire was anonymous. Most students in both sessions considered practical instruction of camping significant for their profession, but the usefulness of the acquired experience was significantly better (p <0.05) assessed by the students from the first session, mostly thanks to better weather conditions. Organization of camping was better assessed in the second session (p <0.05), mostly due to inappropriate behavior of a few students in the first session, as well as the organization of teaching activities. It can be concluded that the quality of practical instruction of camping depends most on the behavior of participants in instruction, organization and content of teaching activities, as well as on weather conditions.

Miloš Bokan

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The subject of the research in this paper is the motor abilities of volleyball players and tests for their assessment. Under the term general motor abilities we imply the motor abilities which can be found in other kinds of sport according to their general characteristics: coordination, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, balance, and precision. Specific motor abilities are the motor abilities that are specifically developed in each sports branch, taking into account that they are not completely new motor abilities, but the abilities that are "built" out of the general motor abilities by specific training or they are combined into specific motor abilities for each individual sport. On the basis of consulted works, the majority of volleyball experts under the term of specific motor abilities imply the following: explosive strength and agility, flexibility, body coordination, alternative movements speed, limbs coordination. In the concluding part of the work there are tests that are most often used for estimation of general and specific motor abilities of volleyball players.

Belgrade, December 11th 2009.

indent Temathic fields:
- Top level sport,
- Basic (mass) sport,
- Sport of the youth,
- Sport in schools,
- Recreational sport,
- Sport of the persons with special needs.
The aforesaid fields can be elaborated from theoretical-philosophical, methodological, pedagogical, psychological, sociological, biological-medical, legal or organizational aspect.