Milinko Dabović, Slobodanka Dobrijević, Krasomenko Miletić, Dragoljub Višnjić, Vladimir Miletić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. |
The research was carried with a purpose investigate the opinions of students and their assessment of the significance and organization of
practical classes of camping in the first and second session in order determine possible deficiencies. Sixty-eight male and female students
of physical education, after practical classes of camping in their session, fulfilled a questionnaire designed to examine their views on
the most important aspects of that instruction. The questionnaire was anonymous. Most students in both sessions considered practical
instruction of camping significant for their profession, but the usefulness of the acquired experience was significantly better (p <0.05)
assessed by the students from the first session, mostly thanks to better weather conditions. Organization of camping was better assessed
in the second session (p <0.05), mostly due to inappropriate behavior of a few students in the first session, as well as the organization of
teaching activities. It can be concluded that the quality of practical instruction of camping depends most on the behavior of participants in
instruction, organization and content of teaching activities, as well as on weather conditions.