Elite female rhythmic gymnasts represent a selected group of girls exposed to high intensity training in the pre-adolescent period.
Constitutive body height of these female athletes is achieved through compensatory "catch up" of growth through which a pattern of
longer growth period emerges. At the same time, present puberty delay provides optimal skeletal maturation. Low body fat content is
in correlation with late appearance of menarche. On the basis of all these variances there is a primary importance of energy defi ciency
which directly (reduction of accessibility of circulating energy substrate) or indirectly (effects on growth, bone maturation and body fat
accumulation) leads to dysfunction of reproductive hypothalamus. Aiming to preserve normal growth and development, as well as heath
of female rhythmic gymnasts and similar sports, it is necessary to monitor them in short-time intervals during pre-pubertal and pubertal
age, estimating training volume and diet at the same time.