Irina Juhas
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.
indent Abstract
An increasing number of new physical activities, the emergence of new disciplines and female participation in disciplines that, until recently, were only male, has become a daily practice. Female participants is growing in number and is more evident, so the question of whether women's sports training has certain peculiarities, has been naturally imposed. Despite an increased number of researches on a female sample, the male samples are still dominant. Mechanical identifi cation of men and women can cause more harm than good, especially in professional sport. Based on previous research, it can be said that the overall maximum ability of an adult woman is 70 - 90% of the overall maximum capacity of an adult male, which primarily stems from the morpho-functional characteristics. The woman has a lower maximal speed, strength, speed – power component, endurance, much better fl exibility and agility, greater accuracy and precision of movement, compared to the average man. The strength of any muscle group in women is on average less than men the same age. Although women have lower power, adaptation to strength training in women is not different, so there is no reason why female athletes would not apply the same methods as men. Sports training increases maximal oxygen consumption among women in the same way as in men. Today sports training enables women to run and achieve results in the long and the longest distance, as well as men. In fact, the last two decades of research have pointed to similar training methods, training responses, physiological requirements, both men and women.