Joško Sindik Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia. | ||
![]() The goal of our study was to fi nd the latent dimensions of the satisfaction with life and general life experience at former athletes (coaches), as well as to fi nd correlations between those dimensions with sociodemographic and variables connected with coaching. We have examined a total of 132 coaches of various sports in Croatia. For measuring satisfaction with life and general life experience, we used Extended Satisfaction With Life Scale (ESWL) and General Life Experience Scale (GLES). We have found three latent dimensions of the satisfaction with life: business and social life, fi tness and life achievement. Four latent dimensions of the general life experience were found: satisfaction and optimism, negative emotions and stress, life quality and daily fatigue. No signifi cant correlations were found between sociodemographic variables two items that describe the coach as someone who could have to be elite former athlete or purposefully educated for coaching. Age and work experience are negatively correlated with business and social life and daily fatigue, but positive with general life achievement. Years in top sport and end of professional career are negatively correlated with business and social life, but positive with general life achievement and negative emotions and stress. We can cautiously say that period of engagement in top sport have more negative than positive implications on subjective well-being. | ||
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Igor Jelaska, Slavko Trninić, Ante Perica University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology 2KK "ECE Bulls" Kapfenberg, Austria. | ||
![]() The abstract system of a basketball game has been established in the paper. Parts of the game are marked with the common characteristics; they are repeated, therefore, they can be denoted with the category: game states. The presented model enables the recognition and analysis of interaction between the set of system states. The discretization of the continuous course or fl ow of a basketball game and the defi nition of equivalence among game states have given the prerequisites for the determination of transition probabilities between system states. Discrete stochastic processes and Markov chains were used for events modeling and transition probabilities calculation between the states. The matrix of transition probabilities has been structured between particular states of the Markov chain. The proposed model differentiates game states within four phases of game fl ow and enables the prediction of the future states. | ||
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Aleksandar Kukrić, Milivoje Karalejić, Saša Jakovljević, Borko Petrović, Radivoj Mandić Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. | ||
![]() Thirty junior basketball players participated in the survey aimed to explore the impact of complex and plyometric method of training on maximal vertical jump height, in order to determine more effective method of training in practice. Study participants were divided into three equal groups of ten subjects, two experimental groups (group 1 – complex method of training, group 2- plyometric method of training) and control group. More experimental groups, in addition to regular basketball technical and tactical training, twice a week had more complex, ie, plyometric training, while control subjects had only technical and tactical training. Variables are divided into two groups: body weight, body height and skin folds are marked morphological variables and the maximum vertical jump height as the varijable motor. It was found, analyzing the results from initial and fi nal measurements that the maximum vertical jump height improved being under the infl uence of experimental factors in both experimental groups, whereas in the control group no signifi cant changes occured. Experimental group changes p = 0.05, control group p=0.09. Morphological variables didn't signifi cantly changed after application of experimental treatments. Further analysis of data showed no signifi cant differences between experimental groups at the fi nal measurements. Research has shown that there is no difference in the effi ciency of the complex and plyometric training methods in a manner that is applied to our research and that these methods of training in ten weeks time can signicantly affect the improvement of the task as it capped the maximum vertical jump. | ||
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Dejan Suzović, Branislava Porčić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport And Physical Education, Ballet school "Lujo Davico". | ||
![]() Technical selection for sports activities is based on the adopted specifi c contents upgraded on the general abilities and characteristics of the individual. Factors in the ballet and dance selection are different from sports according to the expressivity of motion and fl exibility (Liederbach, 2000). According to the physiological requirements and ranges of motion, ballet has similar characteristics as sports such as artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. The survey was conducted with 84 girls in primary ballet school "Lujo Davico"from Belgrade, the mean ages of 12,84 (± 1,14) years, and values of body height 157,0 (± 9,0) cm and body mass 43,1 (± 7, 6) kg. Data for motor abilities were obtained by applying EUROFIT test battery, which determined the order of implementation of general guidelines, recommended to standardized use in countries of the European Council (Kukolj et al. 1993). The success of the ballet score was evaluated according to the marks derived at the ballet school. The results were analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and comparative (Pearson's correlation) statistic procedures. The results showed a correlation of body height, body weight and percentage of body fat with success at school (p<0,01), with the range of r = -0.33 – r = -0.36, while correlation results of BMI with success at school were r = -0.27 (p<0,05). Results of motor abilities revealed a signifi cant correlation with success at the ballet school only in two tests of EUROFIT test battery. The results obtained from the 20-meter Shuttle run test (SRUN) and the test for assessing fl exibility (PUSE) showed a signifi cant correlation with success in teaching ballet, r = 0.30 (p<0,01) and r = 0.25 (p<0,05), respectively. | ||
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Vujadin M. Mujović, Dejan Čubrilo American School of Medicine at Belgrade. | ||
![]() Lifestyle with regular physical activity provides substantial health benefi cial effects. Potential specifi c benefi ts of regular physical activity include increased strength and endurance, improvement of fl exibility and a sense of health and a better quality of life. Physical activity programme should be designed according to the determined goals. The preparation of a physical activity programme that will be applied throughout life requires knowledge of individual physical ability. An initial evaluation of health status is particularly important in individuals who have a positive family history data on cases of early mortality due to insulin dependent diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. It is equally important to make a serious assessment of health status in individuals who lead sedentary lives. In overweight individuals it is useful to determine the percentage of body fat. Programming physical activity and its timely application in terms of prevention and treatment, represents the key element in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity, as well as active independent means of reducing pain and increasing capacity during pregnancy and aging process. | ||
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Aleksandar Filipović, Srećko Jovanović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Phylosophy, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. | ||
![]() Chinese Martial Arts (popularly known as Kung-fu) owe much to other segments of Chinese culture. In order to fully comprehend the infl uence of China's martial arts system on the development of modern karate, originated in Okinawa, there is a need for getting more information about the cultural heritage that had the greatest infl uence on the formation and development of the martial arts system in China itself. Here, we primarily think about the infl uence of religion (Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism) and their relationship to the body and corporeality in the context of culture. Viewed through the prism of this religious framework, a body and body training in China becomes a way of affi rming the integrity of human existence and a positive aspect of integrating a man with his environment; the body becomes a place in which that culture writes its ideas by making it the centre of the universe and a part of the natural harmony at the same time. All this has refl ected immensely on Okinawan reception of Chinese skills, and later on formation of the modern karate sport phenomenon, and many ancient Chinese concepts have survived this many centuries long transformation and modernization. The aim of this paper shall be to demonstrate the possible surviving artifacts and infl uences of Chinese martial arts on modern karate sport. | ||
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Zoran Sretenović Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, School Administration of Kragujevac. | ||
![]() The primary goal of this project was to provide assistance and support for teachers of physical education in order to strengthen the competencies of this teaching area, subject matter and methods of teaching physical education and empower teachers in process of programming, planning, implementation and assessment / evaluation of teaching physical education. On the basis of the insight into the school program and curriculum for physical education and physical education –selected sports in 52 primary schools, the protocol were regarded as basic curriculum and basic document, the global and operational work plans. The objective was to review the level to which teachers synchronized and integrated programming, planning and implementation of educational standards and graded the minimum educational requirements in teaching physical education - chosen sport. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the teaching practice was not fully put to use: curriculum, curriculum for mandatory physical education and mandatory optional subject Physical Education - chosen sport, through the integration and harmonization of programs. In fact, the curriculum does not contain the required offer of teaching, extra-curricular and extracurricular activities in both subjects. No regard is taken of coordination between content and timing, individual differences of students and standards of achievement are not respected, no regard is taken over horizontal and vertical correlation; there is no planning for checking the realization of set educational standards in physical education and profi ling the minimum educational requirements in teaching physical education - chosen sport. Also, there is lack of continuous monitoring and evaluation of horizontal and vertical linkage of programs, achievements and interests of students. | ||
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