Frane Erčulj, Mitja Bračič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Department for Basketball; Faculty of Sport, Institute of Sport. |
The study basically aimed to establish and analyze the morphological characteristics of elite female basketball players aged 14 and 15
playing in Divisions A, B and C of the European Championship as well as to compare these groups of players. For this purpose, a sample
was used consisting of 115 female basketball players aged 14.64 (±0.48) of whom 35 played in Division A, 48 in Division B and 32 in
Division C of the European Championship. 23 standard morphological measures and 7 morphological indexes were applied to find out
the morphological profile of the players (somatotype components, percentages of bone, fat and muscle tissue and body mass index). The
results show that the Division A players are the tallest of all three player groups (p<0.05). This applies to the entire sample of subjects and
to all three player types (guards, forwards and centers). No major differences were identified between the Division A, B and C players in
terms of the somatotype components, except for the mesomorphic component where the Division A players achieved slightly lower values.
Fairly equalized values were also established in the percentage of bone, muscle and fat tissue. The results of the study show that body
height is the factor in the area of morphological dimensions which most evidently differentiates between the high quality players and those
of lower quality in all three playing positions.