Slavko Trninić, Milivoje Karalejić, Saša Jakovljević, Igor Jelaska
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split; Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade. |
From the point of view of expert coaches and players, basketball can be observed as a team sports game, which can be presented as an ordered sequence of actions that each player has to perform according to the position and the role within the certain model of the game's tactics. The aim of this survey was to determine the structure of latent factors, to identify and analyze a group of actions in the game, in the set of basic attributes and variables, to classify actions into relatively homogenous groups and to determine differences between the obtained groups of actions. In order to achieve the above mentioned, it was necessary to construct a measuring instrument (questionnaire) for knowledge registration in the game of basketball. 15 primary attributes were chosen for the characterization of entities (tasks in the game) and 10 competent experts performed the assessment according to them. Factor analysis under component model was used in the research process, with the use of Guttmann-Kaiser criterion and OBLIMIN rotation. That way we isolated four latent dimensions in the space of primary attributes, and they are named as: inside players, flow of the game, outside players and subspace C. Beside the factor analysis, hierarchy method of classification was used, where the tasks in the space of primary game attributes were classified into four relatively homogenous groups of tasks, interpreted as groups A, B, C and D. • Group A – tasks performed by inside players (power forward and centre) in A and B zone, thus in transition offence and set offence. • Group B – tasks performed by inside players in A and B zone, in back court, thus in transition defence and set defence. • Group C – tasks performed by outside players in the whole court, in front court and back court, thus in transition defence and set defence. • Group D - tasks performed by outside players in the whole court, in front court and back court, thus in transition offence and set offence. The acquired knowledge can directly influence the development of learning plans and basketball players' exercises, the development of new means for game monitoring, the analysis of the game of basketball, the evaluation of players' stats, and they make the foundation for the realization of further researches in the field of team sports games analysis.