There is a notion that sport participation is positively related to students' academic achievement. The results of numerous studies abroad
support this relationship, however, little research has been done at home on that matter. The present study is an attempt to examine
existence of relationship between sport participation and academic achievement of secondary school students. Participating students
(N=359), have filled in a questionnaire concerning students' involvement in sports and academic achievement. Student's t-test was utilized
to test the difference between the means for sport participating students and sport non-participating students. Pearson's linear correlation
was used to examine level of correlations for all variables. The relationship between investigated domains was additionally explored by2 test for contingency tables. Results of Student's t-test for independent samples have shown that differences between sport participating
and sport non-participating students do exist, in favour of fi rst mentioned group, but the results of Pearson' linear correlations indicate
that there is no relationship between the variables that define sport participation and academic achievement does for sport participating
subsample (N=82). Аttained results of 2 test for contingency tables of variables of academic achievement and sport participation, indicate
that these two domains were not in statistically significant relationship. These findings indicate that sport participation did not affect
academic achievement, but better academic achievement of sport participating students is caused by some other factor.