A mentor is a leader, advisor, consultant, tutor but also senior and more experienced teacher, or scientific worker, who assists in work, follows and evaluate final papers, and/or elaborations of scientific-research projects of graduates, specialists, master and doctor's degree candidates, scientific workers in institutes etc. At rule, mentor is appointed from a group of more experienced teachers, scientific workers, i.e. the
most eminent "practitioners". The most important components of the mentor work are pedagogic, social and psychological. The base of mentor work is defined by two dimensions: program-content and organizational-action dimension including the pedagogic-professional and pedagogic-ethic
ones. Mentor work is mostly developed in three phases: initial, realization and final phase. Besides the scientific field in which is the most competent, mentor needs to know well both general and specific methodologies of the research field he performs mentorship, which often requires special, additional and continuous – permanent education, i.e. permanent methodological professional improvement. |