Museum of Physical Culture is an institution that keeps, studies and exhibits (chronologically or per topics) the collections of objects from the field of physical culture, i.e. all its segments. It originates from the Museum collection, established at the State Institute for physical culture (DIF) 1948 by ass. Prof. Borivoje Bora Jovanovic. At the beginning of 1967. the Commission for history, archives and museum of physical culture of Serbia was founded and its most important task was the collection of materials for the Encyclopedia of Physical Culture. However,
later, the Commission significantly assisted the gathering of historic material from the past of physical culture in Serbia. During the entire period the Museum of Physical Culture contributed greatly to the collection, systematization, preservation and presentation of historic material. Putting at disposal all funds of the Museum to numerous researchers and scientists was an immeasurable and priceless contribution of the Museum to the development of scientific thoughts in the field of physical culture. Because of all the stated results of the activities of the Museum of Physical culture and its significance for preservation of valuable exhibits from the past, their presentation and use in science, in future, we have to take greater care and attention.