Teodoros Ioannidis, Đorđe Stefanović, Marija Kariotu, Violeta Šiljak, Slađana Mijatović
Licej of Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Belgrade, FSPE; Faculty of Sport Menagment of University "Braća Karić". |
According to the content and problems of the research, this paper belongs to history of sport. It represents not only an aspiration to enrich
history of sport through scientific-technical analysis of the role of a phenomenon of gymnasium for sports competition, but also the
arousing of the research potential through new knowledge about sense of life of a young athlete in that space, reflection and studying of the
significance of an ancient gymnasium for performance in the festivity games at Olympia. Ancient Greece gymnasiums had educational and
cultural character. The existence of training space led to creation of conditions for appearance of the first founders of the sports science,
who by their mediations, realizations and observations, were inspiring for all those who wanted to expand knowledge and transfer it to
the others. Although, historians accurately described lives of ancient Greeks and their progressive cultural life, there are still things not
enough described from the area related to actuality of the phenomenon of gymnasium in preparation of the young for competition in the
Ancient Olympic Games. |