Mileva Radović, Ljubica Bačanac, Ana Vesković
Republic Institute for Sports, Belgrade.

indent Abstract
It is well-known that family is the most important factor in the process of socialization of the young directed to preparation for successful integration into society. Among other factors of socialization, sports distinguishes to be the most powerful agent, and its educational influences are mostly positive and coordinated with basic value norms of the society. Long ago modem family noticed educational potentials of sport and therefore uses it as powerful means for promotion of its educational aims. Our research was performed on a sample of 413 young selected athletes of Serbia, participants of the sports camp "Karatas 2004*. with an intention to reveal more clearly the influence of parents on sports activity of children. Having in mind the results of the researches so far. we assumed that the influence of the family on formation of needs to become involved in sport, on nature and degree of involvement. orientation towards achievements in sport, is vital. The obtained results show that residential status of this population is favorable on the whole, and the majority of young athletes m Serbia, lives in city areas (85.7% in cities; 13.3% in villages), in complete families (95 0%) with parents with secondary and high educational qualification (54.5% fathers and 53.1% mothers). More detailed analysis reveals that the relations of the parents towards sport is more positive as their economic status is better and educational level higher. Around 96.6% of the interviewed athletes state that parents support their going in for sports, that they motivate and encourage them and together with economic they give them strong psychological support. The data show that among parents with better socio-economic status there are no cases that show hostility and indifference towards sports activities of their children. The percentage of indifferent and negatively oriented parents toward the sports activities of the children is almost irrelevant (5-1% mothers and 4.3% fathers).